Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I have a ring on my left hand

Yes, I'm engaged! :) I am soooo excited! If you've noticed, I've recently kind of sneakily put pictures up of Chris and I, and haven't said much about it. hehe. So I guess first I should explain how we met, since it is kind of a funny story.
It was just right after I had been sick and in the hospital, about the middle of February. I was working the weekend and on Saturday I was at one of the nurse's stations when I met a girl who works at Norco that we talk to on the phone sometimes. She told me who she was, and it was nice to put a face to the name. So we started talking and she was asking me where I'm from, where I live, when I started working there, etc. Then I left and came back a few minutes later and her and one of the nurses were whispering to each other when all of a sudden the nurse started drilling me with all these questions, like how old am I, and am I single, and am I interested in dating anyone, etc. The other girl was all embarrassed and kept apologizing but the nurse just kept talking. I just laughed at some of the questions and didn't really know what to say because I barely knew either of them. After a few minutes the nurse left and the other girl apologized. She said she was just asking the nurse what she knew about me, and was going to ask my boss really subtlely if I was dating anyone. But she told me about her friend Chris and how he's so cute and he's little and I'm little, and how she thought we would be cute together. She asked me if I was LDS and I said yes, and she said that he is too. So without really knowing what I was doing, I gave her my number! I was a little surprised when he actually did call. :)
Her and her husband along with Chris' cousin and his wife hung out with us on our first date. He picked me up from work on a Friday and we went to dinner and played games at his cousin's, then went to a movie...the rest is pretty much history. This picture below is one time when we went to Ross Falls.

So I guess I should also share the story of how he proposed. We went up to Pomerelle to ride the lift up and walk back down the mountain. I was thinking it was just for fun. (I guess some people ride mountain bikes down instead of walk, but we're not that ambitious.) :) After he paid, he told me he was going to go to the bathroom and went downstairs (we were in the lodge). He never came back. I was just standing there looking out the window and the lady taking tickets told me I shouldn't be looking out the window. So I turned around all confused, and I guess when I turned around he ran out and got on the lift. Then she handed me an envelope and it said to wait 5 minutes and then to get on the lift, so I did. The guy at the lift gave me another envelope that was a sweet letter that I read on the ride up. (I cried!) When I got up he was there waiting and gave me another one that explained that he was going to be full of questions tonight, and some were going to be easy, and some were going to be hard. So we walked down the mountain and found more notes along the way. They all had questions that he's asked me before, with some comments on the bottom. For example, one said "What's your favorite color?" And on the bottom he wrote "No answer needed." One said "What should we do this weekend?" and "Where should we go eat?" At the bottom it said, "Pointless, because I always have to decide anyway." (We all know what a terrible decision maker I am!)

We stopped along the way and took these two pictures above. The timer on my camera takes two pictures and he was a little sneaky on the second one. :) So anyway, we got to the bottom of the mountain and found the last one. It said "One last question..." and then he of course pulled out the ring, gave me his cute little speech, and popped the question. Of course when the lady handed me the first envelope, I figured out what was going on, but I was surprised because he had fed me this big story about how the ring was going to take another week and a half to get here, so I was pretty excited that I didn't have to wait anymore.

Little did I know that his stepmom was several feet away hiding and taking pictures of the whole thing when he was asking me! I didn't find that out till the next day! So that was pretty cool.
I think it will be pretty awesome to have these pictures way down the road.

We stopped one more time and took another picture as we were leaving. The people at Pomerelle were so nice to stay there and wait for us to get done. He had of course gone up earlier and hid all the notes and told them we were coming. We were a little late because I was working till about 4:30 and they only let you on the lift until 6. I was thinking we just needed to turn around because we weren't going to make it, but they knew we were coming and waited. :) We got there about 6:10 and they waited till we got off the mountain to leave.

I thought it was perfect and it was pretty much the best day of my life. :) Afterwards we stopped at the Sage Mountain Grill in Albion (yum!) and ate. We are getting married October 7 in the Twin Falls, Idaho temple. :)


Oh Boyds! said...

JILL! I am so happy for you and that is such a great proposal story! I am just so thrilled for you! Love you and congrats!

Jaylynn said...

Congrats Jill! How exciting! Your ring is gorgeous!

Dani said...

YEA JILL! I'm so so so happy for you :) Chris is a lucky guy - you picked a good one - I think he'll fit right in w/ the fam. And your ring is beautiful! What a fun proposal story.

Kira Rivadeneira said...

That is so awesome!! He sounds like a pretty nice guy.
Your ring is BEAUTIFUL!!
I am way excited for you!