Monday, December 1, 2014

There is always, Always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for!

We had a fun Thanksgiving this year. Our trip was short, but we were glad we were able to go home for a couple days. We spent Thanksgiving at Chris' mom's this year. The food was amazing, of course (Carol and Brett are great cooks!) and we played some fun games.

We were sad Courtney wasn't there, here are the kids Skyping with her.

Damian and Evi playing together.
More Skyping

We spent our nights at my mom's. Halli loves Chris and loves to have books read to her. They are good buddies.

Friday we ate dinner at Chris' dad's and the food was yummy again. For some reason I didn't get any pictures. Saturday morning I saw my dad for awhile and then we spent the rest of the day at my mom's and went home Sunday. We got to see 2 of our new nieces for the first time too, which was so fun! But for some reason I got a pic of one of them. Can't wait till we can have our own someday. :)

A few days later Chris and I went bowling. I think this was the first time we had ever been together (besides bowling on the Wii, which we did on our second date). Turns out Chris is not as good in real life as he is on the Wii. I beat home both times. 

I love this time of year when we get to reflect on our blessings. I am so thankful for Chris' job and all his hard work to provide for us. I am so thankful I have been feeling well for several months now and that we have been able to (finally!) start trying to have a baby. I am so thankful for the gospel and all that comes with it. And I am thankful that this time of year reminds us that there is always, always, ALWAYS something to be thankful for!